About me

I’m Ilario, an Italian dreamer, knowledge and technology lover, with a background in mechanical engineering, robotics and complexity science.

My interests are quite wide, spacing from basic disciplines, like physics and applied mathematics, to their application in mechanical and electronic engineering, robotics, optimization techniques, artificial intelligence, economy, and society modeling.

On this website, you can find information about my work, interests, ideas, my scientific activity, my projects, but also, you can have access to my collection of mechanical engineering notes and didactic material I wrote during my bachelor, master, and Ph.D. at Politecnico di Bari – Italy.

Have a good trip in my world!

My biography in <260 words

I currently work as R&D chief engineer at Tesar Automation, being part of a multidisciplinary team covering the main fields of engineering. We put daily all our efforts to conceptualize new intelligent automated systems and robots, trying to give a contribution to the revolutionary technology era we are living.

As the designer and creator of innovative technical solutions for the OMNIAGV Project, I have received international recognition, including the ADI Design Index Innovation Award, the National Award of Awards, the Innovation 4.0 A&T Award, and the Compasso d’Oro, the oldest and most prestigious global design award. 

I acquired an extensive experience in optimization techniques during my doctoral studies at Politecnico di Bari, where I obtained my Ph.D. in 2017, discussing a thesis on the emergence and exploitation of collective intelligence of groups. I particularly focused my activity on the human group’s behavior modeling, both trying to describe social phenomena, but at the same time trying to exploit the emergence of the collective intelligence and criticality for developing a swarm-based optimization algorithm.

During my studies, I spent almost a year, partially financed by the US Army Research Laboratory, at the Center of Nonlinear Science at University of North Texas (US), an amazingly memorable experience that gave me a lot, not just from a scientific point of view.

Previously, I earned a bachelor’s (2011) and master’s degree (2013) in mechanical engineering at Politecnico di Bari focusing my studies on fluid dynamics, fluid machines, and applied mechanics, mainly conducting multiphysics optimization studies for the General Electric company.